Yo la busco (I look for her)
Max lives with Emma, his close friend. A breach between them continues to grow and so Max anxiety and doubts. It reachs its climax when Emma annouces him she moves fron their flat. Max decides to go outside in the streets of Barcelona, letting himslef flow though the night.
AÑO: 2018
DIRECCIÓN: Sara Gutiérrez Galve
GUIÓN: Sara Gutiérrez Galve, Núria Roura Benito
FOTOGRAFÍA: Carlos Rigo Bellver
MONTAJE: Montaje: Marc Roca, Katia Armesto
DIR. ARTÍSTICA: Laura Santos
PRODUCTORA: Nanouk Films
INTÉRPRETES: Dani Casellas, Laia Vidal, Oriol Esquerra, Marta Cañas
PAÍS: Spain
Día: 26/06
Hora: 18:00
Sala: La Filmoteca