A young filmmaker’s laptop is stolen. Two months later, an anonymous hacker threatens to reveal the woman’s sexually suggestive photos to all her work contacts if she doesn’t pay thousands of dollars. Panicked, Pati reaches out to the Spanish authorities for assistance, only to discover the police and courts are completely powerless to protect her. Told through text messages, emails and self-recorded videos, My Sextortion Diary documents a chilling and nightmarish scenario that has become increasingly commonplace online. As Pati’s hacker begins leaking her private photos, she decides to take the law into her own hands. With remarkable honesty and humour, Pati reaches beyond her initial feelings of helplessness to tell a powerful story about bodily autonomy and dignity. Part thriller, part mystery, this is a compelling first-hand look into the threat of online blackmail and what it takes to fight back. Presented by its director on Saturday 22.
AÑO: 2024
DIRECCIÓN: Patricia Franquesa
PAÍS: Spain
SECCIÓN: Largometrajes
Día: 22/06
Hora: 17:30
Sala: Teatre Rialto