This series is a psychological thriller that is contextualized in the Madrid district of Malasaña and tells the story of a young photographer with an overwhelming character that hides a secret. This series starring Dorien, a young photographer who makes portraits of celebrities and is also obsessed with not age. Marcos journalist dreamed of doing important reports but just writing about trends in a newsroom full of young millennals later meets Dorien to entrust his boss make a written profile about the young photographer, this will put him on the track of a series of mysterious deaths.
AÑO: 2017
DIRECCIÓN: Kiko Prada, Javier Prada
GUIÓN: Kiko Prada, Javier Prada
INTÉRPRETES: Carolina Bang, Dani Muriel, Dafne Fernández, Macarena Gómez
PAÍS: Spain
Día: 24/06
Hora: 17:00
Sala: CCC Octubre