Divertirse es un Arte
After the death of the photographer Pablo Pérez-Mínguez, two of his friends empty his famous studio in Monte-Ezquina street in Madrid in order to classify his impressive collection of pictures and personal objects. During this cataloguing, 40 personal diary that the artist wrote over his 30 years career. Following the notes' narration, we discover the national awarded photographer's life, a man who was fascinated by words, obsessed by time, games and magic.
AÑO: 2017
DIRECCIÓN: Eva Vizcarra
GUIÓN: Rafa Casañ y Toni Castelló
MÚSICA: Javier Pérez Grueso “Furia”
PRODUCCIÓN: Eva Vizcarra
INTÉRPRETES: Luis Antonio de Villena, Javier Furia, Julio Juste, Ouka Leele
PAÍS: Spain
Día: 24/06
Hora: 22:30
Sala: Teatre Rialto