Daft Punk Unchained
Documentary about the entire career of Daft Punk, from their start in early 90’s with their first group called Darlin’ until their Grammy awards in 2014. We learn how the artists have built their music, their image and all aspects of their inspiration.
AÑO: 2015
DIRECCIÓN: Hervé Martin-Delpierre
GUIÓN: Hervé Martin-Delpierre, Marina Rozenman
PRODUCCIÓN: Jean-Louis Blot; Patrice Gellé
PRODUCTORA: BBC Worldwide Productions
INTÉRPRETES: Thomas Bangalter, Guy-Manuel de Homen-Christo
PAÍS: France
Día: 25/06
Hora: 22:45
Sala: Centre del Carme
Día: 28/06
Hora: 18:00
Sala: instituto_fraçais