A garden-center employee fears his possible infertility. While the pregnancy wish of the love of his life is growing, shame starts to take a hold on him. He senses them growing apart. Nourished by the artificial arena he makes a very unusual decision and swallows his pride in order to let their love overcome.
AÑO: 2017
DIRECCIÓN: Noël Loozen
GUIÓN: Joeri Kloppert, Noël Loozen
FOTOGRAFÍA: Tim Kerbosch
MÚSICA: Jaap Sijben
MONTAJE: Mieneke Kramer
PRODUCCIÓN: 100% Halal
PRODUCTORA: Gijs Kerbosh
INTÉRPRETES: Olivia Lonsdale, Jiri Loozen, Guido Pollemans
PAÍS: Netherlands
Día: 22/06
Hora: 20:00
Sala: Teatre Rialto
Día: 27/06
Hora: 22:30
Sala: Teatre Rialto