Ato San Nen (Three Years More)
Marisa is a widow who lives alone in a small countryside village, with the only company of her dog: Tico. One day, Marisa and Tico receive the unexpected visit of Hiroshi, a Japanese gentleman who claims to be friends with Marisa’s son. Despite not having a common language, Hiroshi and Marisa make efforts to communicate with each other.
AÑO: 2018
DIRECCIÓN: Pedro Collantes
GUIÓN: Pedro Collantes
FOTOGRAFÍA: Diego Cabezas
MONTAJE: Sergio Henríquez
DIR. ARTÍSTICA: Aurore Casalis
PRODUCCIÓN: Mizunonaka, Easy Tiger, Mayi G. Cobo
PRODUCTORA: Delphine Cazelles
INTÉRPRETES: Mabel Rivera; Kenji Yamauchi; Carlos Kaniowsky
PAÍS: France, Spain
Día: 22/06
Hora: 18:00
Sala: Teatre Rialto
Día: 27/06
Hora: 20:00
Sala: Teatre Rialto